Jotne Newsletter - Digital Twin updates

Extensive research and development (R&D) drive innovation by enabling organizations to explore new ideas, technologies, and solutions. This investment leads to the creation of advanced products that meet evolving customer needs and preferences. By continuously improving and adapting offerings through R&D, companies not only enhance product quality but also foster greater customer satisfaction, loyalty, and competitive advantage in the marketplace. Ultimately, effective R&D translates insights into practical applications, benefiting both businesses and their customers.

Read more about the Jotne R&D projects here

Juan Ignacio Silvera Vez from EDINAF project and Trond Kvamsdal from dTHOR project together with the European Commission at Euronaval this week.

Our space portfolio is growing together with the European Space Large Scale Integrators (LSI) and you may see Jotne for a discussion at this important Space event by sending a mail to

Jotne understands the challenges for actors in the supply chain and have developed a starter kit for small and medium sized enterprises, based on the TruePLM application. This will allow the SMEs to improve the data exchange, sharing and archiving processes of PLM, CAD/CAE, TDP, and Digital Twin data using the ISO 10303 (STEP) standards. Such capabilities will allow SMEs spending less time on Technical Data Packages (TDP), Configuration Management (CM) and enable Model Based Engineering (MBE).

Jotne will support you in your next project

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